“Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and or nations alike.” -Theodore Roosevelt
Brochure: Seven Keys To Transformed Kids
Character Camp is a nationally acclaimed premier non-profit youth organization of southeast Texas, impacting students through unforgettable youth retreats and fun recreational events throughout the year.
Our Character Training program focuses on twelve key elements to develop children into productive, well adjusted citizens. We use state certified academic instructors and hand picked mentors. Our summer enrichment program features certified coaches and fine arts professionals who are experts in their crafts. Generous sponsors and faithful volunteers have helped us to make an enormous difference in the lives of thousands of children.
Pre-Teen Character Traits
- January
Honesty: You do not lie, steal or cheat. - February
Hard Work: You give your best effort to get the job done. - March
Kindness: You are friendly and nice to others. - April
Forgiveness: You are willing to be nice to someone after they have mistreated you. - May
Teachableness: Learning from others is important to you. - June
Courage: You have the strength to do what you should, even when you feel fear. - July
Respect: You treat other people’s property, rules and beliefs as if they are important. - August
Responsibility: You do a good job and finish your job even when nobody is watching. - September
Teamwork: You work well with others to do a good job. - October
Self-Control: You make sure your attitude and conduct are good. - November
Gratitude: You give thanks for the good things that are done for you. - December
Self-Esteem: You like yourself and believe you will do well.
Teen Character Traits
- January
Honesty: Views deceit as a negative trait. Resists lying, stealing, cheating. - February
Hard Work: The willingness to exert one’s self in order to achieve worthy goals. A passion for achievement, desire for accomplishment. - March
Kindness: Consistently treating others with friendliness, thoughtful of others. - April
Forgiveness: The willingness to dismiss negative feelings for one’s offender. - May
Teachableness: Possessing a desire for knowledge, is open-minded and willing to learn from others. - June
Courage: The ability to stay on course when facing acceptable risk. - July
Respect: Has proper regard for individuals, property and authority figures. - August
Responsibility: Inward motivation to fulfill assignments, due to one feeling ownership (personally accountable) for the outcome. - September
Teamwork: Willingness to allow one’s strengths to be pooled into a larger community and synchronized with the strengths of others for the greater good of all. - October
Self-Control: Governs one’s own attitude and actions in order to comply with acceptable boundaries and expectations. - November
Gratitude: Shows appreciation for one’s endowments, gives positive feedback to one’s benefactors. - December
Self-Esteem: A respectful view of one’s self in order to instill a “can do” attitude and raise the expectations for one’s self.