Youth Retreat – Away Camp Only $450 <Click Here To Pay>

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KHCB Interview – Click Below
Who Loves Our Retreats?
The parent who is skeptical about entrusting their children to others
We truly understand because we too are protective, loving parents who are passionately committed to the wellbeing of your children. That is why we have never had a single complaint of abuse, neglect or injury in more than 30 years of hosting youth retreats. When your child is with us, you can rest easy—they are safe.
The child who really has never been away from home and family
We are well experienced with young first-time travelers. We understand their need for security, acceptance and emotional bonding. We make it our mission to make them completely at home while they are with us!
The advanced child who is seeking an avenue to explore leadership
Character Camp is a structured, supportive environment that nurtures youth leadership in advanced children who are seeking to broaden their abilities and lead the way for others. We find stars and help them shine!
The child who has been to camp with others and thinks it isn’t wonderful
Lots of people host retreats, but not a lot of people can host a retreat with Character Camp quality. Our retreats are over the top! After more than 30 years, we know what is fun, effective and memorable! Our retreats are wonderful—they are the best of the best.
The child who could use a boost of courage, character and self-esteem
In the right atmosphere, with skilled mentors, gifted instructors and targeted activities, it is amazing what can be accomplished within the course of a week! With the right blend of fun, challenge and adventure, the magic of laughter and relationships becomes the seed for change. Fun-filled memories become teachable moments that shape the character and the soul.
The child who could use a little direction and motivation
Character Camp is a parent’s best friend. We support your goals and work with you to unleash the potential and develop the leader within your child. There is a leader in every girl and every boy. The destiny of your child… is to change the world.
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Please Download Retreat Forms Below
Parents Retreat Pkg_2019 with classes BROCHURE 2019
How Our Retreats Are Designed Deposit Form For Mail
Map To Trinity Pines Camp Layout Map